
Vimeo AI

Vimeo has unveiled a set of AI-driven tools designed to assist users in video creation, including generating scripts, using a teleprompter, and eliminating unwanted pauses or filler words from videos. Set to launch in July, these features are part of Vimeo’s $20-per-month Standard plan. Ashraf Alkarmi, Vimeo's chief product officer, emphasized that the tools are meant for novice video creators to simplify the production process. The company's AI-infused script generator employs the OpenAI API to craft scripts from brief descriptions and specific inputs. Alkarmi highlighted Vimeo's shift from being perceived as an entertainment hub to aiding businesses in using video as a robust communication medium. Despite facing competition from startups and established firms offering AI-driven video editing tools, Vimeo remains committed to furthering its AI initiatives.

PyTorch vs TensorFlow: A Comparative Analysis

PyTorch vs TensorFlow

In the world of deep learning frameworks, two names often emerge at the forefront: PyTorch and TensorFlow. As both tools have grown in popularity and capabilities, the debate over which to use intensified. This post will explore the key features, advantages, and differences between these two powerful frameworks.

TensorFlow, developed by Google Brain, has been a dominant name in the deep learning arena since its introduction in 2015. TensorFlow offers a comprehensive ecosystem with TensorBoard for visualization and TensorFlow Serving for production deployments. TensorFlow 2.x further strengthened its position by introducing 'eager execution' by default, which improved its usability significantly.

PyTorch, developed by Facebook's AI Research lab, started as a smaller player but rapidly gained traction due to its dynamic computation graph and intuitive interface. This made it especially popular among researchers and the academic community.

Dynamic vs. Static Computation Graphs

- TensorFlow (pre 2.x): Originally employed a static computation graph, requiring developers to define the entire computation graph before running any computation. This approach is more optimized but might seem a bit less intuitive.


- PyTorch: Uses a dynamic computation graph, which means the graph is built on-the-fly as operations are executed. This is more intuitive and makes debugging easier.


- TensorFlow 2.x: Introduced 'eager execution' by default, bringing in dynamic computation graph capabilities. However, for optimization purposes, it still allows users to create static graphs using the `tf.function` decorator.

Popularity & Community

While both frameworks boast strong communities and are widely adopted, their popularity differs slightly:

- TensorFlow: Known for its extensive documentation and being more industry-friendly. Companies often prefer TensorFlow for production deployments due to its mature tools and extensive Google-backed support.

- PyTorch: Favored in the research and academic community due to its flexibility and ease of use. Many new research papers provide PyTorch implementations.

Ecosystem & Tools


- TensorBoard: A powerful visualization tool.

- TensorFlow Serving: For serving and deploying machine learning models.

- TF Lite: For mobile and embedded devices.

- TF.js: For browser-based models.



- TorchServe: For serving PyTorch models.

- TorchScript: Helps in converting PyTorch models to a format that can run independently of Python.

- fastai: A higher-level library built on top of PyTorch for rapid prototyping.

API & Usability

- TensorFlow: With the Keras API integration in TensorFlow 2.x, it became much user-friendly. `tf.data` API provides efficient data pipelines.


- PyTorch: Known for its 'Pythonic' nature, PyTorch's interface is often considered more intuitive, especially for Python developers.


Both frameworks have been optimized extensively and are capable of running on multiple CPUs, GPUs, and even TPUs. The performance can be benchmark-specific and depends on how the models and pipelines are implemented.

Production Readiness

- TensorFlow: Historically seen as more production-ready due to tools like TensorFlow Serving, TF Lite, and its static computation graph (which often leads to optimization opportunities).


- PyTorch: With the introduction of TorchServe and TorchScript, PyTorch has significantly improved its production deployment capabilities.


The choice between PyTorch and TensorFlow often boils down to personal preference, specific project requirements, and the domain (industry vs. research). Both are powerful tools, and the best way to choose is by hands-on experimentation to understand which resonates better with your working style and requirements. Whatever you choose, the deep learning community is fortunate to have such robust tools at its disposal.


Sketch to Stunning: Introducing Stable Doodle by Stability AI! ✏️🎨


Stability AI introduces Stable Doodle, a tool that transforms simple sketches into dynamic images. Designed for both professionals and beginners, it promises to revolutionize industries from education to fashion. Users can instantly convert drawings into high-quality images, aiding designers, illustrators, and others in enhancing their efficiency and creativity. The tool is available for free trial on the Clipdrop by Stability AI website.


Microsoft AI Updates

Microsoft AI

Microsoft Bing Chat’s GPT-4 integration brings powerful image recognition.

Microsoft is introducing image recognition support to Bing Chat on desktops, using OpenAI’s ChatGPT-4 vision model. This update, named "Bing Vision," allows users to upload or paste images for Bing to analyze and explain. Currently, it's being tested with less than 10% of regular Bing Chat users in a random A/B test, but a full rollout is expected in the coming weeks. This feature is also integrated into Windows Copilot, enabling users to drag, drop, and analyze images, with the option to transfer them to PowerPoint, Word, or clipboard.

Bing Chat is coming to Chrome and Safari.

Microsoft tested Bing Chat support for Safari and Chrome and plans to announce its official expansion soon. The company is enhancing Bing Image Creator with AI and planning a "large-scale plugin rollout" to boost Bing chat's capabilities. Microsoft aims to transform each feature into a plugin to diversify Search aspects. Notably, the previous requirement for users to sign in with a Microsoft Account for Bing Chat has been removed as Microsoft shifts its focus to promoting Bing AI over services like Microsoft account or Edge.


Farewell, Cortana! Microsoft's AI Evolution πŸ”„πŸ€–

Microsoft is discontinuing its digital assistant, Cortana, in August 2023, shifting its attention towards newer AI features such as Bing Chat, which resembles ChatGPT, and other AI enhancements in Windows and the Edge browser. While Cortana will remain available in some Microsoft platforms like Outlook and Teams mobile, the company is moving towards integrating Bing Chat into the enterprise and enhancing productivity tools like Microsoft 365 Copilot. This shift by Microsoft may reflect a broader trend as tech giants like Amazon and Apple also explore advancements in generative AI.


NVIDIA x Hugging Face: Supercharging Generative AI! πŸš€πŸ’‘

NVIDIA and Hugging Face announced a collaboration to enhance generative AI supercomputing for developers. This partnership will integrate NVIDIA's DGX Cloud AI supercomputing into the Hugging Face platform, aiming to accelerate the training and tuning of large language models (LLMs) and other advanced AI applications. This synergy is expected to foster industry-wide adoption of AI models tailored for specific applications like intelligent chatbots, search, and summarization.

StableCode: Revolutionizing Coding with Generative AI! πŸš€πŸ‘©‍πŸ’»

Stability AI has just announced the release of StableCode, its very first LLM generative AI product for coding. This product is designed to assist programmers with their daily work while also providing a great learning tool for new developers ready to take their skills to the next level.

Stability AI aims to make technology more accessible, and StableCode is a significant step toward this goal. People of every background will soon be able to create code to solve their everyday problems and improve their lives using AI, and we’d like to help make this happen. We hope that StableCode will help the next billion software developers learn to code while providing fairer access to technology all over the world.


GitHub Copilot Enhances Coding with Code Referencing Feature πŸ“šπŸ’»πŸ€–

GitHub Copilot has influenced how developers approach coding, but there have been concerns about it generating code too similar to public repositories. To address this, GitHub introduced a feature in 2022 to block such suggestions automatically. However, there was a demand for a more flexible approach, allowing developers to view these code fragments. In response, GitHub has launched a private beta of a code referencing feature for Copilot. This feature displays matching code suggestions in a sidebar, letting developers decide whether to use them. While initially designed to block matching codes automatically, GitHub recognized the potential for developers to either utilize existing libraries or contribute to them. This new feature provides more context, especially for common algorithms. The underlying system relies on a fast search engine to identify matching codes. While currently, it presents matches in the order found, future updates might allow sorting by factors like a license or commit date.


Bing Vision: Microsoft's AI-Powered Image Descriptions πŸ“ΈπŸ”πŸ€–

Microsoft has introduced a new feature called Bing Vision to its search engine Bing. Bing Vision uses AI to describe images uploaded by users. The AI will also ask for user input to determine the style of the text description, offering three options: the most creative, one with more precise details, or a balance between the two. Besides identifying and describing the image content, the AI can also interpret the contents of a text, provide an explanation, and translate it if it's in a different language. Currently, these features are in the testing phase and will gradually be made available to more users. 


Why AI is So Important in Our Life


AI is So Important in Our Life

In today's fast-paced digital world, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as an essential part of our daily lives, even if we don’t always realize it. From smartphone applications to complex decision-making processes in industries, AI is making a tremendous impact. Here, we delve into why AI has become so significant in our modern lives.

Efficiency and Speed

   - Computers inherently process information at speeds incomprehensible to the human brain. By integrating AI algorithms, these systems can make decisions, recognize patterns, and generate responses in milliseconds. This rapidity has revolutionized industries, from finance to healthcare, by making processes more efficient and timely.

Data Analysis

   - In the age of big data, the ability to sift through vast amounts of information and derive meaningful insights is invaluable. AI, with its machine learning capabilities, can analyze large datasets quickly and draw conclusions that would be near impossible for a human to discern in a reasonable timeframe.


   - Have you ever wondered how streaming platforms suggest movies or how online stores recommend products? It's AI working behind the scenes, understanding user preferences and behaviors to offer tailored experiences. This personal touch enhances user satisfaction and engagement.


   - Many repetitive tasks, be it in factories, offices, or even homes, are now automated thanks to AI. Robots powered by AI, can manufacture products, sort packages, or even vacuum our homes. This automation not only enhances productivity but also allows humans to focus on more complex and creative tasks.

Enhanced Decision Making

   - AI can process and analyze myriad factors in real time, aiding humans in making informed decisions. For instance, in healthcare, AI tools can analyze medical images, patient history, and current symptoms to suggest potential diagnoses.


   - AI has made technology more accessible. Voice assistants like Siri or Alexa help visually impaired users interact with the digital world. Similarly, real-time translation tools break down language barriers, fostering global communication.

Economic Growth and New Job Creation

   - Contrary to the belief that AI might steal jobs, it has led to the creation of new job categories and sectors. While some roles become obsolete, others emerge, requiring a workforce trained in AI and related fields.

Social Good and Environmental Concerns

   - AI has been leveraged to tackle pressing global issues. From predicting natural disasters to monitoring deforestation, the potential of AI in aiding sustainability efforts is immense.

Healthcare Advancements

   - AI is transforming healthcare with personalized treatment plans, predictive analytics for disease outbreaks, and robotic surgeries. It has the potential to provide accurate, efficient, and affordable health solutions.

Continuous Learning and Evolution

   - One of the standout features of AI is its ability to learn and evolve. With machine learning and deep learning, AI systems refine their algorithms based on new data, ensuring they become more accurate and efficient over time.

In Conclusion

The importance of AI in our lives cannot be overstated. It's reshaping industries, personal experiences, and global issues, driving humanity forward into a new era of innovation and possibilities. As we continue to integrate AI into every facet of our lives, it becomes imperative to also understand its ethical implications and ensure its responsible use. The future with AI is not just about technological advancements but also about shaping a world that's better for all.

Photoshop's 'Generative Expand': AI-Powered Image Expansion πŸ“ΈπŸ–Ό️πŸ€–

Adobe is adding a new feature to its Photoshop software called Generative Expand, which uses AI to expand images beyond their original boundaries. The feature, available in the beta version of Photoshop, allows users to expand and resize images, with the new space being filled by AI-generated content that matches the existing image. Users can add content to a canvas using Generative Expand either with or without a text prompt, and any generated content is added as a new layer, allowing users to remove it if needed. Adobe has also implemented filters to prevent the generation of inappropriate content. The company notes that Generative Expand is not currently available for commercial use but plans to make it so in the second half of the year. Adobe is also expanding Photoshop's Firefly-powered text-to-image features to support over 100 languages.


Google’s generative search feature now shows related videos and images

Google is enhancing its AI-powered Search Generative Experiment (SGE) by adding contextual images and videos to search results. Users will now see images or videos related to their search queries directly in the generative search suggestion box. Google is also displaying the publishing dates of the links suggested by SGE. Further improvements to the performance of SGE have been made to provide users with faster AI-powered results. Users can sign up to test these features through Search Labs and then access them via the Google app on iOS and Android or through Chrome on desktop. Google has been incorporating generative AI into a variety of products, including its chatbot, Bard, its Workspace tools, and enterprise solutions.


About AILab Blog

 Welcome to the AILAB Blog – your comprehensive digital resource for all things AI, Machine Learning (ML), and Large Language Models (LLMs). This blog aims to disseminate knowledge, innovations, and best practices at the intersection of technology and intelligence.

At AILAB Blog, we go beyond the buzzwords and dissect the complexities of AI, ML, and LLMs, making these high-tech concepts accessible to everyone. Whether you're a seasoned data scientist, a tech enthusiast, or a curious layperson, we strive to offer engaging, informative, and easy-to-understand content that fosters learning and sparks curiosity.

Our robust selection of articles spans a broad array of topics – from foundational principles and technological advancements in AI and ML, to applications, ethical implications, and the future of these fast-evolving domains. Moreover, we have a dedicated focus on LLMs like GPT-3 and GPT-4, providing insights into their inner workings, capabilities, and potentials.

In addition, we regularly feature interviews with leading researchers and pioneers in the field, giving readers a front-row seat to the ongoing AI revolution. Our how-to guides and tutorials are designed to empower you with practical skills, whether you're aiming to kickstart a career in AI or leverage these technologies in your own industry.

AILAB Blog is committed to fostering an inclusive and interactive community. We encourage readers to ask questions, engage in discussions, and contribute their own perspectives. As we demystify the world of AI and ML, we hope to inspire you to explore, learn, and innovate in this dynamic field. Subscribe to AILAB Blog and join us on this fascinating journey through the world of artificial intelligence!

Meta's AudioCraft: Text-Prompted Music and Audio Generation πŸŽ§πŸ€–

Meta has introduced AudioCraft, a framework that generates high-quality, realistic audio and music based on brief text descriptions or prompts. The open-source AudioCraft framework includes MusicGen, AudioGen, and EnCodec. MusicGen, an AI-powered music generator, learns from existing music to create similar effects, which has raised ethical and legal concerns related to intellectual property rights. AudioGen, another part of AudioCraft, is designed to produce environmental sounds and sound effects rather than music. EnCodec is an improved version of a previous Meta model, which effectively models audio sequences to create novel audio. While Meta anticipates potential benefits for musicians and composers, it also recognizes the ethical questions, misuse potential, and biases of these models.


YouTube's AI Leap: Auto-Generating Video Summaries πŸ“ΉπŸ€–

YouTube is testing an AI-driven feature that auto-generates video summaries, aimed at providing users with a quick overview of a video's content. The feature is currently only available for a limited number of English-language videos and viewers. YouTube highlights that these AI-created summaries do not replace the descriptions provided by the video creators. There are already similar AI tools like Clipnote.ai, Skipit.ai, and Scrivvy, though some creators have pointed out their limitations, especially with longer videos. It's still uncertain how these AI summaries will impact creators and their efficiency in writing video summaries. The feature is one of several AI initiatives by YouTube, including AI-generated quizzes for educational content, an AI-powered dubbing tool, and several new AI tools announced by parent company Google.


Google DeepMind's RT-2: Revolutionizing Robotic Learning πŸ€–πŸŽ“

Google DeepMind's robotics team has revealed the second version of its Robotics Transformer (RT-2), a system that enhances robots' adaptability by transferring learned concepts to different scenarios, even with smaller datasets. RT-2 demonstrates improved generalization capabilities and the ability to interpret new commands. It can also conduct rudimentary reasoning about object categories or high-level descriptions. As an example, the team cited RT-2's ability to identify and dispose of trash without explicit training. This knowledge transfer is possible due to a large corpus of web data. The system's performance rate for new tasks has improved from 32% with RT-1 to 62% with RT-2, demonstrating significant progress in the field of robotic learning.